Catch the Wave of the Quantum Entrepreneur Movement

Unlock Your Potential. Transform Your Life.

Welcome to the Quantum Entrepreneur Movement, where we believe in the power of intentions, inner guidance, and energy management to create a life of abundance, joy, and success!

Get Bob Doyle’s from “The Secret”
Ultimate Content Marketing Blueprint:
An Insider’s Guide
to to unlock the power of AI, free up your time, ignite your creativity, and boost your business without you lifting a finger!

Grab Your FREE Quantum Entrepreneur Guidebook

What's Inside?

The Quantum Entrepreneur Guidebook offers a step-by-step roadmap to:

  • Use quantum principles to attract your aligned soul clients faster and easier.

  • Deepen your connection with your Inner guidance for practical results.  

  • Shift your mindset from lack to abundance and set yourself on a course for money and time freedom.

  • And MUCH more!

Ready to Begin Your Quantum Journey?

Join our FREE community today and start your journey towards becoming a Quantum Entrepreneur.

You are not alone.

We are here to support you every step of the way.



The Quantum Entrepreneur Movement and why you should join

The Intention Of The Quantum Entrepreneur Movement is to support heart-centered entrepreneurs to unlock the power of group intentional energy, quantum principles, and AI with expert guidance and coaching to attract high-vibe clients and customers, create perpetual income, and have a business AND life that is joyful, fulfilling and manifesting your highest potential.

The Quantum Entrepreneur Movement is an entire galaxy of information, support and intention being shared and activated together.

Exclusive Bonus

When you join the free Quantum Entrepreneur Movement and download your FREE Guidebook, you will also have access to our exclusive FREE Gift Center which allows you to peruse free offerings from top Quantum Shift Leaders and Quantum Entrepreneurs.

$5,000 value!

Shift your perspective. Align your goals and awaken your strengths and experience a Quantum Shift in your Business & Life!





Sharon Wilson is a former executive in both corporate and non-profit sectors as well as co-founder of Transforming Culture Consultants. Sharon is the Founder and Chief Inspiration Officer at the Coaching from Spirit Institute and Chief Mindset/Growth Officer at Transforming Culture Consultants, she is a Certified Spiritual Counselor, Master Mindset Mentor and has supported thousands to use an inner and outer approach to have six-figure plus businesses with more Joy, Fulfillment, and FUN!

Contact Sharon



Tracey Starr is known as the Heart 2 Heart Connector and is a serial Quantum Entrepreneur with several ongoing ventures and has successful $ 7-figure experience in building brick-n-mortar, digital, joint venture, affiliate, and metaverse businesses in multiple industries, but shines her light mostly on spiritual and personal development where she collaborates with celebrities and admired global transformational leaders to help elevate humanity and our world.

Contact Tracey